Coding PO's into DPO to upload into PSL

Coding PO's into DPO to upload into PSL

If the account mask on PSL is i.e. xx-xx-xx this will need to be what’s entered into the account code box on DPO.

If the account number was i.e. 70-02-00 you would need to type this directly into the account code box like shown in the screenshot below, this will pull through into the Account Number field on PSL.

If you are wanting to enter any additional codes i.e. Set, Ser, F1 etc then you would need to put a / after the account code.

The order for entering this is the following:


Set – up to 4 digits long

Series – up to 4 digits long

Insurance – up to 2 digits long

1099 – up to 2 digits long

Free field 1 – up to 4 digits long

Free Field 2 – up to 4 digits long

Free Field 3 – up to 4 digits long

Free Field 4 – up to 4 digits long


As an example, if you wanted to enter i.e. 001 for the set, 02 for the series and A for free field 1 you would need to enter this as follows:


70-02-00/001 02      A

70-02-00/ (This is the account code followed by a / to enter in the rest of the coding)

001 (as you are only using 3 digits for the set you would need to enter a space after 001 as the field is up to 4 characters long)

02 (as you are only using 2 digits for the series you would need to enter two spaces after 02 as the field is up to 4 characters long)

In the above example both Insurance and 1099 are not being used, as these fields both have up to 2 characters long you would need to enter 4 spaces

A (as you are only using 1 character for free field 1 you would need to enter three spaces after the A as the field is up to 4 characters long)


*Note, Location code cannot be entered into the DPO string. This will need to be selected before importing on PSL



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