Forgotten Password - CrewStart

Forgotten Password - CrewStart

To reset your password you will need to go to the following site:

You will be prompted to enter your username and email address. Once you have done this you will be sent an email with a link to change your password, the link will only last for 15 minutes.

When resetting the password, it needs to adhere to the following criteria;
  • At least 12 and no more than 60 characters
  • Letters and numbers
  • Uppercase and lowercase
  • At least one special character, e.g. ! # % ^ * () _ +
  • Password strength is 'Fair' or better than 'Fair'

If an invalid character is used ie ¬ then this will be displayed under 'Invalid characters used' and will show you on screen which invalid character has been used and on how many occasions.

Once you have set the password it should come up saying "password has been updated successfully".

Should the password reset link expire, please click here to request a new one;
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