How to share a draft/ view a draft

How to share a draft/ view a draft

The CrewStart application allows the sharing of Draft Envelopes to other team members on the project who have access to envelopes with the privilege to send.

The Project Administrator and Account Administrator roles now have the ability to view all drafts created. This will enable administrators to manage drafts in the event that the creator is not available to share or send their Drafts.

Administrators can now view, share or delete draft envelopes as required. Administrators cannot update or send Draft envelopes.

Sharing a Draft

As the creator or administrator, select the Drafts tab. The drafts you have access to are displayed.

Select the draft to be shared. Once opened, the Share icon will be available on the top right of the envelope page.

Selecting the Share icon will load the Draft Sharing pop-up window.

The list of team members on the project who have access to send envelopes will be displayed for selection in Surname order.

You can select multiple team members to share the Draft with. Once selected the ‘Share’ option changes to ‘Unshare’.

The person the Draft is shared with will receive an email notification indicating that they now have access to the Draft envelope.

A shared Draft can be unshared at any time by selecting ‘Unshare’.

If a shared Draft is being updated by the person it is shared with but Unshared prior to them saving their changes, an error on Save will indicate that the Draft is no longer shared.

On returning to the Draft envelope list, the envelope now shared, is highlighted with the Share icon as shown below. This icon is grey in colour indicating that it is your draft that is shared with another team member. For Account and Project Administrators the grey icon will show for all shared Drafts whether shared by them or other users.

Viewing Shared Drafts

To view Drafts that are shared with you, select the Draft envelopes tab. Envelopes shared with you will appear in your Draft list with a blue Shared icon as shown below.

A team member with access to a shared draft will have the ability to:

•    Edit and Save
•    Share with another team member
•    Send to the recipient

Drafts can only be deleted by the Creator or the Project/Account Administrator user. The person to whom a Draft is shared will not have the ability to delete the Draft.

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