Bypass feature

Bypass feature

This feature is useful if you are a high level approver and you are creating own Purchase Orders, in this case you might not want to wait until an approver on lower levels have signed your Purchase Order. By using the Bypass feature the P.O should jump directly to your own approval level.

In order to enable this for yourself the project admin of the DPO project will need to change this on your user permissions.

For the administrator:

Click onto your email address in the top right-hand corner of DPO and select 'Administration'.

Once you are in the admin section select users from the list on the left hand side.

Once you see the list of users that appear select the pencil icon next to the users permissions you would like to change.

If the user has multiple approval levels assigned to them you can decide whether the Purchase Order should jump to your highest or lowest approval level.

If the user has one approval level you can select either.

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