Forgotten Username - CrewStart
If you have forgotten your username you can request a reminder by going to the following site: Enter the email address associated with your CrewStart Account, your Country Code ...
Reset MFA (Account Admin)
Log in and click the Administration button on the left-hand pane. Select the desired project that the crew member is on In the ‘People’ tab, search for the crew member and open their crew member record Click on the ‘’Details’ Tab inside the crew ...
Viewing Security Roles
There are multiple ways to check who is assigned which Security Roles. If you are trying to check what security roles a particular crew member has, you have 2 ways depending on your own security level, if it is project level or account level. There ...
Assign Security Roles
If a Crew member has been on boarded to a Project, but needs to be assigned a security role, the following steps need to be taken: *Note, only Project or Account Admins can assign security roles. Project Admin Log in and navigate to the ‘Project ...
How to share a draft/ view a draft
The CrewStart application allows the sharing of Draft Envelopes to other team members on the project who have access to envelopes with the privilege to send. The Project Administrator and Account Administrator roles now have the ability to view all ...
Re-send invitation
Once logged into the project in question, select the Teams tab and search for the user under the search bar. Please click on the Bell icon to resend the invite. Please click on the blue button “RESEND INVITATION” You will get a popup message to ...
How to tag an envelope on hold
An envelope can be tagged as On Hold and further below you can see how to set the tag. We can tag the envelopes to be “On Hold” if they are not ready to be approved and leave the comment why they are on hold. Tagging can be done from; On Envelope > ...
Rejecting an envelope
User If you are dissatisfied with any information on your envelope that is non-editable (already prefilled by the production), you can click on the Reject button on the top left of the screen. You will be prompted to enter the reason for rejecting ...
Re-send an envelope
If an envelope has been sent out to a crew member and changes need to be made, the envelope can be resent. *Note- The envelope can only be sent during pending completion or pending approval (the contract has not reached final approval).If the ...
Updating User Profile Information
Details Once you are logged in to CrewStart, you can make changes to your User Details by clicking on User Profile in the sidebar. In the user profile, you will be able to see and change your user details such as title, first name, middle name, last ...
Forgotten Password - CrewStart
To reset your password you will need to go to the following site: You will be prompted to enter your username and email address. Once you have done this you will be sent an email ...
I am trying to sign my documents but the document will not load?
When trying to sign a document you may come across an issue where the document loads and does not progress any further. If you have this issue, this will be down to something either being copied or pasted or a special character being used under the ...
I have been sent an invitation/ envelope but I cannot remember my log in details?
You can request a username reminder via the following link: You will be required to enter your email address and your mobile number and this will send you an email and a SMS. ...
I have already completed an envelope previously, is there a way to copy the data from my existing envelope?
If you have already completed an envelope previously and are issued a new one, you can use the auto-complete function on CrewStart. This function can also be used across multiple projects that you have worked on. This function allows you to copy any ...
I have entered incorrect information on my envelope - How can I change this?
You can only make changes to your envelope when you are completing it. If you have already completed your envelope, you would need to contact the production that you are working on so they can re-send the envelope to you. Once the envelope has been ...
My Contract/ Timesheet has incorrect information appearing?
If you have received a CrewStart Envelope containing a Start Form / Timesheet / Contract and have found some of the information in it to be incorrect, please carry out the following steps. After logging in and accessing the Envelope: Click the ‘Next’ ...
When I log into CrewStart it shows no envelopes found?
If upon logging into your account, you can see the project you are working on but after selecting it, do not see any envelopes in your TO DO tab then this means that the production you are working on has not issued you any envelopes. If you are ...
I have received an invitation and I am not getting the verification code through?
The production you are working on will invite you to CrewStart. If you have not received a verification code through when going through the invitation email then this may be down to your mobile number being entered incorrectly on the CrewStart ...
Can I upload additional documents or change the documents I have uploaded?
You will only be able to upload/ change any documents when you are completing the envelope, if you have already completed the envelope and need to make any changes to the document's you have uploaded you would need to contact the production you are ...
Sending an Envelope
Before sending the envelope to a new hire, the authorised user can fill out a pre-send section with details that specifies the deal provisions for the hire. There is also the option to auto-complete from previous forms sent. Select the Send Envelope ...
Inviting a Crew Member
To invite a team member, all you need to do initially is enter their name, email address and phone number and assign them to a department and job role. The new team member receives an email inviting them to the project, directing them to a login ...